Chef Gordon, affectionately known to his peers and clients as, Chef G, commenced his culinary journey during an attempt to impress his then girlfriend and her grandmother. The first dish? Sautéed sausage and shrimp, assorted sweet peppers and onions, saffron rice, hot pepper butter and a biscuit. It has been said that the way to a man's heart is through his belly. Well, that adage must have applied to women as well. The dinner prepared by a novice chef led to a courtship that resulted in a marriage going on 19 years, and two children. It goes without saying that she loved the meal. Since that first fateful night of meal preparation, Chef G has continued to create culinary masterpieces that have satisfied the palates of his family, friends, and clients.
After completing Keiser University's rigorous and intensive culinary program, his palate flourished. After mastering his position as Sous Chef at the Palm Aire Country Club, Chef G found his love for smoked meats and was graciously appointed as the pit master at Nancy's Barbecue in beautiful downtown Sarasota, Florida. During his tenure at Nancy's, Chef G aspired to learn every aspect of the barbecue business. He quickly rose in ranks starting at the Front Line, progressing to Prep Cook, and ultimately to Kitchen Manager. Chef G has contributed to Nancy's success as being the recipient of the Best Barbecue Award in Sarasota, Florida for seven consecutive years.
For the last five years Chef G has been the founder, owner, and operator of G's Southern Kitchen which has served man local and national dignitaries, businessmen, and socialites such as actress, Melba Moore and actor/comedian, Michael Collier. G's Southern Kitchen specializes in southern fare such as fried chicken, which has been renamed "Friend Chicken" due to its propensity to become a best friend of the palate after just one bite. Other favorites are the locally renowned Collard Green Egg Rolls and the mouthwatering Mac and 3Geez. G's Southern Kitchen also regularly services the iconic and illustrious Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe.
Chef G will make his mark on the culinary world one bite at a time. His favorite quote is "Looks Good, Tastes Better."